Number Cakes£75.00Price Small feeds 15Medium feeds 30 Large feeds 50 *These are a guide only as it depends on the number you choose For multiple digit number cakes, please amend the quantity of cakes at the checkout SizeSelectFlavourSelectVeganSelectFondant Icing (hard)SelectDate of Order (closed Sundays- orders for Sunday can be collected or delivered on Saturday)500Dietary restrictions or allergies & Design ideas or Cake number?500Add to Cart
Number Cakes£75.00Price Small feeds 15Medium feeds 30 Large feeds 50 *These are a guide only as it depends on the number you choose For multiple digit number cakes, please amend the quantity of cakes at the checkout SizeSelectFlavourSelectVeganSelectFondant Icing (hard)SelectDate of Order (closed Sundays- orders for Sunday can be collected or delivered on Saturday)500Dietary restrictions or allergies & Design ideas or Cake number?500Add to Cart